Welcome to Rest Room Codes

Have To Go? Post Restroom Codes Here - Help Humanity

Who We Are

Gypsy Cool Helps Humanity

Gypsy Cool is here to help humanity with a valuable free service.  Help me to collect and update those obnoxious code entries in Rest Rooms at Fast Food Joints and other Locked Bathrooms

Tweet Us Rest Room Codes

Tweet us Rest Room Codes and Location.  We will soon be putting out a free list here.

Twitter:  @gypsy_cool

When Ya Gotta Go.........

You can access this site on your mobile device.  We will publish the Name of the Fast Food places, Markets or Restaurants, Location, and Rest Room code.  Help us out.  Tweet us information you find.  Cause  Everybody's got to go...



Why should you have to stand in a long line to get into a locked punch-coded bathroom when you really have to go?  If we all work together we can go quickly about our "business".


Physical Disability Support - We All Have to "GO"

Why, why,  why in God's Name should some disabled person have to wait in a long fast food line to get a stupid code?  This is inhumane.


Homeless Folks Also Have To "GO"

These Fast Food chains and super markets lock up their rest rooms because they want to decide who uses them.  This is Un-American!  Equal treatment for all.




 Send us your testimonials.  Like how this site saved you from messing your pants just before an important meeting.


 Let us know how getting a fast code to the bathroom helped you avoid an embarrassing incident on a date.


Tell the world what a great service this is - in fact anyone who is a salesperson, delivery person or truck driver will immediately appreciate this service.

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Connect With Us

Let us know the name, location and code of any fast food place.  We all have to go and often don't have time to wait in a long line to get a stupid code.

Rest Room Codes

We Service the Following Areas:

Initially only Southern California
We hope to expand  nation-wide